Monday, June 14, 2010


If you know me you know that I love Glee. Actually, love is a huge understatement. So when I found out they were holding open auditions in February I was pretty much the happiest girl on the planet, working on Glee is my dream.

Well, that, and being a princess at Disneyland. ;]

Although I had already decided I was auditioning no matter what, I was insanely nervous and put off sending my audition in until the last day of auditions. Kinda ridiculous, I know. But I finally sent it in and we've all been waiting since April 26 to find out if we get a callback.

It's the most nerve-racking experience
of my life.

People ask me everyday if I've heard anything and it's a huge bummer to have to tell them "No." All the casting people have told us is that the callbacks will take place in LA
"beginning on or about July 1, 2010"
so we have no idea when (or even how) they will be letting us know if we did get one. All I think about and all I talk about allll day everyday is getting on Glee. It kinda sucks a lot. I try and think about other things but everything always leads back to that.

They recently said in an interview that one of the new characters they're looking for is a
"perky christian country singer".
I am LDS, was raised on country music, and am kinda ridiculously perky (although you probably can't tell from my audition though because I was so nervous) so the role might as well have been written for me.

I've decided to try and use the power of the interwebs to maybe help me get on Glee. I know I'm not the best singer out there and that my chances of getting on the show are 1 in 40 billion but I'm a really hard worker and I want this more than anything in the world. I refuse to give up.

So if this is going to work I'm going to need everyone's help. What can you do to help you ask? Well if you have a facebook click this button here:

Help Debi get on Glee!

and join my group/invite your friends. Other things you can do:

- put my button on your blog
- write a post about me and link to this post/ my facebook group
- put a link to this on your status on myspace or facebook
- tweet a link to this post
- put my button on your myspace
- anything else you can come up with

If everyone helps and does this then hopefully someone who knows someone, who knows someone, who knows someone, who knows someone from casting will be awesome and pass it on to their casting friend so they can see it and possibly be sweet enough to give me a callback so I can show them what I can do.

Even if nothing comes from this and I don't end up getting on I really appreciate all the love and support all of you have given me through this. I will never forget it. and at least I'll know that I was brave enough to put myself out there and try my best and that's something to be proud of. (Plus I got the rare experience of getting a slushie thrown in my face which was actually pretty awesome. You should try it sometime. ;])

If you would like a button to put on your blog/website I'll make it a little easier for you and give you the code. Just copy and paste the code in the box:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Help Debi get on Glee!"></a>

Thanks in advance for all your help! and thank you for taking the time to read this post. It means so much to me. :]

You can click here if you want to watch my audition or just watch it below. :]

Glee monologue

Glee | MySpace Video

Glee song

Glee | MySpace Video

The second video was recorded in my laundry room at two in morning so I apologize if I look/sound funny I was tired and really nervous haha.
Thanks for taking the time to read this! Feel free to leave a comment so I know you stopped by. :]

Friday, June 4, 2010

Today was a fairytale.

Today.was.PERFECT. I spent the whole day with Daniel and while we didn't do anything "special" it was the best day I've had in a long time. I am beaming right now.

I got home and listened to "Today was a fairytale" by Taylor Swift and thought it described today perfectly so here are a few pictures of me and Daniel over the last three years with the lyrics to the song.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

reunions, graduations, and ghost towns.

It's been 2 weeks since my last post, I fail at life. Or I guess I just fail at blogging. Aaaanywho I guess I'll just catch you up on the highlights from the last two weeks.

Last Sunday we had a Con Brizzle reunion. Con Brio, or Con Brizzle as I like to call it, is an a cappella choir I was in my senior year. There were only 12 members and we were all really close, I had missed them a lot and I'm so glad I got to see them. I'll post more details later when someone (*cough* Elizabeth Martin) sends me the pictures. Since I don't have those here's an old picture of some of us singing around the piano:

Monday, I hung out with Daniel, made cookies, and went to the park with Dominic.

I've been making cookies a lot lately, I'm not really sure why.

On Tuesday my friend Lionel got back into town and brought me a necklace and earrings that he had bought me while he was on his trip, SO sweet.

I don't think I mentioned it before but I LOVE skeleton keys. Seriously. I'm kiiind of obsessed with them.

Wednesday I hung out with Shayden. We went to Taco Bell (I looove Taco Bell), the mall, and then graduation to cheer for our friend Mary and his friend Cory.

We sat underneath the bleachers because we're rebels like that (oh and we might have shown up a little late too. oops. haha)

Instead of listening to the boring speeches we decided to do slow motion guns and voice overs and think up movies that we thought were awesome but nobody would ever go see because they're actually really lame, and not awesome.

We wrote on our chests, well, Shayden wrote on his back and his chest but yeah, so Mary and Cory would know how much we love them.

Mary is so freakin' adorable. I love her, and her baby.

I didn't get a picture of the writing on my chest because I forgot so you'll just have to pretend you can actually see it in this picture.

No, you don't have to adjust your monitor and you are not drunk...well actually I don't know, you might be. But that's not why the picture looks like this, it's just the blurriest picture EVER because my camera hates me and stuff. I wrote "I love M.S." on my chest and by the end of the night it looked like it said "I love me" I was pretty sad.

After graduation me and Shayden got drinks and went to the park to run through the sprinklers and set things on fire.

No, Shayden isn't drunk or high, the flash was just crazy bright.

Then I went out to Gilbert for a while, came home, and slept.

Thursday, I hung out with Daniel. Since I didn't take any pictures of us this week here's a picture of us at Disneyland:

He's SO freakin' cute. :]

Later that night I went over to Josh's house and played rock band. The guys had strobe lights and a fog machine. It was pretty epic.

Friday, I went to a bbq at Daniel's house and watched Tommy Boy and the Suns game with the boys (and Summer). I don't really remember what I did later that night but I know I did something. I'm pretty sure I played rockband again?

Saturday, I did fun stuff.

Sunday night I hung out with Curt and Megan. We went to Goldfield ghost town which is pretty boring during the day but terrifying at night. I wanted to take pictures but we were all freaking out so we hurried out of there pretty fast. After we left the ghost town we drove around the desert and Curt decided it would be fun to try and scare us and pretend that his car wouldn't start. It was good times. Except not.

We decided we wanted to go somewhere where we could sit and talk to we headed over to In and Out where we spent an hour trying to figure out if these guys inside that kept staring at us were checking out me and Megan...or Curt. It was hilarious, and we decided that they were just confused because they kept looking at all three of us. Then they left and we got bored so we drove around some more until we came across the coolest park I've ever seen in some random neighborhood. I wish I would have gotten a picture of the whole thing but I forgot so you'll just have to imagine it from the tiny bit you can see in this picture:

It was shaped like a CASTLE. It was pretty legit I'm not gonna lie. You had to "rock climb" to get up to the tower. We played for a bit and then laid in the tower to take some pictures. Remember that warning I gave you a couple posts ago about me and my friends taking hideous pictures? Well, I'm warning you again.

Then we told scary stories until we got so scared that we had to leave.

Monday, my dad and brother left for Gilchrist so I hung out with my mom and Daniel. :]

and today is my sister's birthday. Happy Birthday Jennie!