Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day two.

Today's post is: "A really good memory."

I have a million and five really good memories but this one is one of my favorites. It isn't a very long, or significant memory but just thinking about it brings me back to that moment and I feel that same peace all over again.

My friends and I had spent all night dancing and had gone to Denny's afterwards for really early breakfast and now we were on our way home. There were four of us in the car, me and Chris in the front and Laken and Heidi were sleeping in the back. The sun was rising, Chris had just finished singing Dusk and Summer and was still holding my hand, and for a moment it was silent and it just felt like everything was right in the world. I closed my eyes and just felt this overwhelming peace come over me. I've had a lot of friends in my lifetime but besides Daniel, they were the only people I've ever been able to experience that feeling with.

I've always loved watching the sun rise. I know everyone is crazy about the sun setting but not me. For me, the sun rising is a new beginning. It brings hope, it brings light into the darkness and that morning just reinstated the love I felt for it.

Day ONE.

I originally started a blog so it would kinda be like my journal. I wanted to be able to remember what I was like when I was 20, what did I do everyday, who were the friends I hung out with etc...

I was hoping that blogging would be easier for me than writing in a journal because I'm terrible at that. Seriously. I have like four entries from when I was a child and I'm pretty sure three of them start with

"I'm supposed to be cleaning my room right now but..."


So since I obviously don't want my future self to remember what I did when I was younger I'm just going to blog about whatever random thoughts come into my mind since that always sounds more fun to me than blogging about my day. And honestly, I'm sure reading about the things I do everyday isn't very exciting so hopefully, this will be at least a tiny bit more interesting.

I found this thing on miss Shelby's blog and I thought it looked pretty fun and it'll help me think of things to post and (hopefully) help me post everyday for the next 30 days.

Day one is: "A recent photo of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself"

1. As you can tell by the title of my blog I'm a huge Taylor Swift fan. I listen to her (I'm pretty sure she follows me around and writes songs about my life. Creeper.)
2. I sleep with 5 pillows on my bed. Three of them have awesome pillow cases: one is Beauty and the Beast, one is Spiderman, and one is Dora.
3. I love playing with people's hair
4. I'm in love with skeleton keys.
5. I'm determined to be a princess at Disneyland.
6. I hate spending money and usually feel sick after I do.
7. I LOVE snail mail and wish people would send letters more often. (growing up LDS is a plus though. Lots of missionaries to write.)
8. I really want to find a random guy/girl playing guitar on the street and have them teach me how to play a song.
9. I am OBSESSED with Christmas. If you wanna know how I truly feel about it, watch the movie elf. Me and Buddy are the same person.
10. I love smiling! Smiling is my favorite. :]
11. I'm a really cuddly person. Srsly. I love cuddling.
12. I love the brownie batter more than I love the actual brownies.
13. No matter how many new video game consoles they come out with, Sega Genesis will always be number one in my heart.
14. I think it's way cooler when a movie I like comes on tv or my favorite song comes on the radio and I have to watch it/ listen to it even if I own the dvd or cd already. (Plus I kinda like it when movies have commercials, I need the break because I have trouble sitting still for long amounts of time.)
15. Every time I find my hiding spot when I'm playing hide and seek, I suddenly have to pee. Every.stinkin.time.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's our town, everybody scream

in this town of Halloween!

As promised, I'm here to post pictures of my Halloween costume.

This year I decided to be...

Snow White! :]

October was a busy month for me and I loved every minute of it!

There were lots of sleepovers:

(including the traditional "we just woke up and decided to take hideous pictures of ourselves" pictures)

Goofing off:

Picture taking:

Car rides:

(sometimes ones with no drivers)

including a super long car ride to the Pima county fair.

Yes, we left at 2:30 pm, drove three hours to Pima AZ, stayed there for two hours, then drove three hours BACK to Mesa to go to our friends house. I know, we're awesome (and crazy).

Moving on...

There was a limbo-ing Frankenstein:

(that my dad later chained to a tree. Poor Franky.)

Football games:

(we went to watch Chris and David play football every week for the last 2 months and this is the only picture we have from it. Pretty sure that's a FAIL.)



Getting ready:

Dying my hair black:

Trunk or treats

Dressing up with Heidi and wandering around Mill Ave. (with Richard):

and finally taking Michael, Sean, and Lexi Trick or Treating with Daniel on Halloween:

Hope everyone else had an awesome Halloween! :]

Oh! and I'm going to be trying something new with my blog probably starting tomorrow so check back. :]

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

I promise I'll be blogging soon there's so much I've been wanting to write about! But for now I thought I just leave you with this awesome picture. I'll post pictures of my costume later today! Ahh I love Halloween! :]

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Catching up.

So, once again, I failed at blogging. I guess I'll summarize last almost two months of my life. Sorry if I leave anything out, a lot has happened.

July 3rd - I got to see the most beautiful fireworks I have ever seen.

July 4th - all the verizon towers shut down out here. It was ridiculous. I went to a game night at my friend Curt's house.
July 5th - (12am) We watch a freakin' jacked up movie called The Triangle, I do not recommend it. Then we decided to drive the back road up to Globe at 1am. It took 2 1/2 hours. Seriously. It was a scary, long drive. We stopped and ate at Jerry's and then explored a little before we went home. I made a new friend that day. His name is Jeremy and he's pretty awesome. :] Later that night we went and said goodbye to our friend Greg before he left on his mission.

I really can't remember what I did on specific dates after this sooo...yeah.

Sometime after the 5th Curt called me and asked if I wanted to go see a movie. Of course he conviently left out that we were going to watch this movie in the middle of the desert and it was going to be a scary movie. Awesome. (p.s. if you don't know me well that "Awesome" was sarcasm. I love scary movies but I am a baby and can't handle them). Luckily it started raining and we had to go over to Heidi's house and watch it because I was scared that we were either going to get killed by a crazy murderer that lives in the mountains or the dementors were going to come out of the sky and suck all the happiness out of us. Either way, something not fun was going to happen.

Even though I was forced to watch The fourth kind that night (which I, again, do not recommend) it was a great night and I made some amazing friends.



and Heidi. I don't have any pictures of Heidi yet but I'll get some soon.

The morning of Friday July 15th I got a text from my friend Mary (the adorable pregnant girl in this post.) saying that she was going into labor so of course I hurried down to the hospital to be with her.

I got there a little before 8am and the baby wasn't born until 4am the next morning. Needless to say Mary had a looong two days.

A bunch of us spent the night at the hospital so we could be there for Mary. It was pretty awesome. It's not every day that you get to have a sleepover in a hospital.

It totally felt like we lived there. We had books, food, extra clothes, face wash, toothbrushes, pjs. It was good times.

The night was filled with laughing.


Storytelling. and more laughing.

After all the lame people fell asleep, Melissa (who is pretty much one of the coolest girls in the world. Just sayin') and I decided to talk about everything the scares us. Which was stupid because literally EVERYTHING scares us and then we were sitting there, terrified, and everyone was asleep. It was good times. Except not.

To make matters worse, I don't know how many of you have seen When a stranger calls but the halls in the hospital are exactly like the ones in that house. The walls were windows and there were gardens outside. It definitely didn't help that it was insanely dark outside and we had to walk down the halls to go see the baby. I'm not gonna lie, we almost died.

We finally got to go see little Jonah Carter (or Vinnie Chase as I like to call him) a little after 5am and let me just tell you, he's pretty much the most beautiful baby in the world. Seriously. He's amazing.

Here's some pictures of him a few days after he was born:

After we got to see the baby we went home so Mary could rest and I passed.out. I had posted a status on my facebook to let everyone know that I hadn't gotten any sleep and asked them not to call or text me unless it was an emergency. I woke up at 9am to 17 missed called and a ridiculous amount of texts telling me that one of my old friends from high school, Brenton, had passed away. 2 days after his 20th birthday.

Brenton is next to Mary in the top right corner.

Our old choir director Mr. Jeff got a choir together and we sang For Good at his funeral. I didn't even make it through the first line before I was bawling. I'm a baby. Lucky I had Ali standing next to me, holding my hand and crying with me.

The morning of the funeral I was too upset and tired to do anything so my sweet friend, Curt, braided my hair and cut my bangs for me. My friends are seriously the best friends in the whole world.

The night that I found out Brenton passed away I went to a party with some friends, it was a much needed escape from reality. I got to reconnect with one of my old best friends Shea (the girl I'm hugging in this post.) I'd missed her so much and glad she's back in my life.

The next morning Curt woke up and made us pancakes. Told you I have the greatest friends in the world. :]

A couple of days later I went and spent a week with Shea. Since she's going into the army in two weeks (Ahhh) I'm trying to spend as much time as possible with her. We spent the whole time catching up, laying in the pool, singing Wicked songs, and listening to The Biebs. It was wonderful. Except for the intense sunburn I got. That wasn't so fun. It might have turned purple and blistered. The moral of the story is, wear sunblock kids. LOTS of sunblock. Srsly.

Friday night of that week we had a bbq and said goodbye to a good friend, Karsten. He just left to Mexico city on his mission.

A few days later Chris took me for a ride on his motorcycle. If we're friends you know that I hated motorcycles but I've made it my goal this year to be brave and try new things so I did it. and guess what? I freakin' love motorcycles. Seriously. I want to marry one. Or maybe get married ON one. Hmmm? Anyways, I'm still a little scared of them because of how dangerous they are but the feeling of being on one is amazing and I want to do it all day erryday. Just sayin'.

This is probably the world's longest post so I'm just gonna wrap it up.

That Saturday I went to my first club, Afterlife. The first room we went in was a little too crowded for me but I loved the second one and can't wait to go again.

August 6th - I went to my friend Amy's birthday party. We had dinner at the Cheesecake factory, it was my first time there. The food is good, but a little too expensive for my taste. I got to dress up though which I loved. :] I met a ton of cool people that night and we're going to the river this Sunday. I'm pretty stoked!

August 7th- We went to help Curt move to his new apartment with Allison. It's perfect and I'm so happy for him. That night we went to a birthday party for our friends Ali and Dallon.

August 8th - I had spent the night with Ali so I woke up at her house. We got ready, went to Whataburger, came home, ate, and then spent the whole rest of the day sitting on her couch watching tv. I'm not even joking. We.did.nothing. and I loved it. It was nice to spend some time with just her.

I spent the rest of the week hanging out at home, chillin' with Daniel which was awesome.

Today is Ali's birthday,
Happy Birthday Ali!! :]

Oh! and the Glee auditions have been postponed so I'll let everyone know what's going on with that when I find out.

I pinky promise I'll be better at posting from now on. Thanks for putting up with this insanely long post. You're awesome. :]

Monday, June 14, 2010


If you know me you know that I love Glee. Actually, love is a huge understatement. So when I found out they were holding open auditions in February I was pretty much the happiest girl on the planet, working on Glee is my dream.

Well, that, and being a princess at Disneyland. ;]

Although I had already decided I was auditioning no matter what, I was insanely nervous and put off sending my audition in until the last day of auditions. Kinda ridiculous, I know. But I finally sent it in and we've all been waiting since April 26 to find out if we get a callback.

It's the most nerve-racking experience
of my life.

People ask me everyday if I've heard anything and it's a huge bummer to have to tell them "No." All the casting people have told us is that the callbacks will take place in LA
"beginning on or about July 1, 2010"
so we have no idea when (or even how) they will be letting us know if we did get one. All I think about and all I talk about allll day everyday is getting on Glee. It kinda sucks a lot. I try and think about other things but everything always leads back to that.

They recently said in an interview that one of the new characters they're looking for is a
"perky christian country singer".
I am LDS, was raised on country music, and am kinda ridiculously perky (although you probably can't tell from my audition though because I was so nervous) so the role might as well have been written for me.

I've decided to try and use the power of the interwebs to maybe help me get on Glee. I know I'm not the best singer out there and that my chances of getting on the show are 1 in 40 billion but I'm a really hard worker and I want this more than anything in the world. I refuse to give up.

So if this is going to work I'm going to need everyone's help. What can you do to help you ask? Well if you have a facebook click this button here:

Help Debi get on Glee!

and join my group/invite your friends. Other things you can do:

- put my button on your blog
- write a post about me and link to this post/ my facebook group
- put a link to this on your status on myspace or facebook
- tweet a link to this post
- put my button on your myspace
- anything else you can come up with

If everyone helps and does this then hopefully someone who knows someone, who knows someone, who knows someone, who knows someone from casting will be awesome and pass it on to their casting friend so they can see it and possibly be sweet enough to give me a callback so I can show them what I can do.

Even if nothing comes from this and I don't end up getting on I really appreciate all the love and support all of you have given me through this. I will never forget it. and at least I'll know that I was brave enough to put myself out there and try my best and that's something to be proud of. (Plus I got the rare experience of getting a slushie thrown in my face which was actually pretty awesome. You should try it sometime. ;])

If you would like a button to put on your blog/website I'll make it a little easier for you and give you the code. Just copy and paste the code in the box:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Help Debi get on Glee!"></a>

Thanks in advance for all your help! and thank you for taking the time to read this post. It means so much to me. :]

You can click here if you want to watch my audition or just watch it below. :]

Glee monologue

Glee | MySpace Video

Glee song

Glee | MySpace Video

The second video was recorded in my laundry room at two in morning so I apologize if I look/sound funny I was tired and really nervous haha.
Thanks for taking the time to read this! Feel free to leave a comment so I know you stopped by. :]

Friday, June 4, 2010

Today was a fairytale.

Today.was.PERFECT. I spent the whole day with Daniel and while we didn't do anything "special" it was the best day I've had in a long time. I am beaming right now.

I got home and listened to "Today was a fairytale" by Taylor Swift and thought it described today perfectly so here are a few pictures of me and Daniel over the last three years with the lyrics to the song.